Webmaster's email: merlinkingdom@yahoo.com - We will respond ASAP.


Please note:
Billing Support is now provided by Epoch.
If you have any issues with your account (lost password, check account information, or cancel recurring membership), they can help you ASAP.

1 month access passes are available on a limited basis via Gumroad.
If you paid via Gumroad, your password will be in the product page in your Gumroad Library
If that does not work, email me for a new password or problem diagnosis.
If you bought a pass via Gumroad and want to switch to recurring through Gumroad, contact me for that option as well.

This site is best viewed on a computer.
While newer (2016+) sections of the site should look fine on mobile, older sections may not.
Safari on iOS is notable for generally not saving login credentials properly, Chrome on iOS is recommended instead as it does not suffer that problem.