Sancha v Leeha
I hope you are all enjoying the fight between Sancha and Leeha. The winner of the match will go forward into the Championship competition, and it is up to you to decide who this will be - Sancha or Leeha. Simply send me an email entitled "Sancha" if you want Sancha to win, or "Leeha" if you want Leeha to win. Don't bother including any text in the message as I won't actually open the message, I will just count it as a vote. Email your vote to me at -
[email protected] - by the end of January 2001.

Your Messages
Many thanks to all those who have been emailing me with encouraging messages. I know I haven't replied to all your mails, but they are still greatly welcomed. Please keep sending me suggestions for fight scenarios, they all get added to the list of future possibilities.

Several people have asked for me to dress the fighters in a particular way - thigh length boots, spandex suites, etc. There is a snag about this, adding clothing to the fighters makes the "posing" much more difficult. It is especially hard where I have adjusted the fighter's body shape to make her taller or more muscular, etc. Look what happens to Sancha if I put her in a standard sized leotard and you will see the problem. This can be fixed, but every time the figure is put in a new position a new problem appears. So usually my figures will fight naked or nearly naked.

Some people have asked about how long it takes to pose a fight scene. The amount of time largely depends on the level of complexity of the positions and of the lighting. The more people in the scene the slower the computer gets, which is why I usually only have two figures in the scene, even if there are 3 or more people in the story. Perhaps I need to get a faster computer! A simple single person scene (like Sancha above) takes only about 10 minutes, but a complex scene can take several hours.

A number of people have asked me to contribute Poser pictures to their site. However, I am afraid that I can't help with this as I have agreed with Seaking that all my Poser fighting work will be exclusively for his site. He has proved to be a good host for my work and has put a lot of work into the site, so he gets all my stuff.

PS - If you find broken links to pictures, etc. with any of my stories please contact Seaking as he is in a better position to fix things than I am.

Coming Soon
There will now be a short break in "The Twins" story while I gather your votes and create the next installment. I have prepared a picture story called "The Gladiator" (no not Russell Crowe) to fill the gap. It is based on the exploits of a hard female Gladiator called The Hood. Here's a little taster of the action to come:

Hope you enjoy it!

Finally keep the emails coming - [email protected]