The Wrestling Council
Federation (WCF)
Stories and Pictures by
Merlin & Sil
Part 1 - In the Beginning
The WCF is born
was one of the top fighters in the Valhalla Club. By June 2000,
she had had a run of 23 consecutive wins that took her to the top
of Valhalla's fighters league. However, not everybody in the Club
was pleased to see Cindy doing so well. Over the previous year
one of the Club's most wealth and powerful syndicates known as
"The Council" had consistently lost money gambling on
their sponsored fighters defeating Cindy . So, on 16th June, when
Cindy raised her arms in triumph having effortlessly thrashed the
Council's girl Evelyn, they were really pissed off!
couple of days after that fight two of the leaders of the
syndicate met in secret with a underground fight fixer know as
Gor. They told him that they wanted him to find a powerful,
ruthless and mean fighter who would be certain to beat Cindy in a
one to one fight. They explained that once he had found a
suitable fighter they wanted him to arrange for her to challenge
the Valhalla Club to a fight with Cindy. Gor pointed out that the
Valhalla Club only accepted challenges from other organisations
or clubs. So they came up with the idea that Gor would register a
new fighting organisation called the "Wrestling Council
Federation", or WCF for short, through which the challenge
would be mounted. And so was born the WCF!
Two weeks later Gor met with the two Council leaders to say that he had found a suitable fighter. She was a Russian sailor called Talia, who had jumped ship in New Jersey and now made a living by fighting in underground fight clubs. Gor had witnessed the Russian destroy a tough young French fighter called Ciel. The fight had lasted only 5 minutes, but in that time the Russian had beaten the French girl so badly that she had had to be taken to hospital with a suspected broken pelvis and neck injuries. It seemed unlikely that Ciel would ever fight again.
Gor handed out a small pack of photos that showed some of the action:
The two Council leaders were impressed by what they saw and heard, and they quickly agreed that Talia was the fighter they had been looking for. They instructed Gor to offer Talia $5,000 to fight Cindy with a another $5,000 if she won.
By the end of the week Gor had signed up Talia as the first member of the WCF and the fight with Cindy had been arranged for the 4th of July.